教育コンテンツのsequential推薦の研究成果と,COVID-19に関するツイートのトレンド分析の研究成果が,GCCE 2021にアクセプトされました.
Kazuma Ohtomo, Ryosuke Harakawa, Masaki Iisaka, and Masahiro Iwahashi, “Sequential Recommender System of Educational Contents with End-to-End Title Feature Extraction for Reducing Utility Gap,” IEEE Global Conf. Consumer Electronics (GCCE 2021) (to appear)
Tsutomu Ito, Ryosuke Harakawa, and Masahiro Iwahashi, “Word Clustering Using Graphical Lasso-Guided PCA for Trend Analysis of COVID-19,” IEEE Global Conf. Consumer Electronics (GCCE 2021) (to appear)